Astrological Dynamics and the Patterns of Time
The nature of astrological time is cyclical. Embedded in each planetary cycle is the ancient notion of the eternal return and recurrence. This course addresses the nature of time in its linear and cyclical temperament as well as the nature of astrological timing and prediction. When astrological time is applied to the human experience life cycle passages and natural initiatory periods in the life cycle are evident.
In this module we will review the planetary cycles in depth and focus on the passages of the life cycle and the initiations that occur at important stages. The principle of return will be amplified and the technique of return charts will be introduced, especially the solar return chart and its cycles. Studying the solar return horoscopes over the course of a lifetime will be examined. We will appraise astrological methods for delineating specific periods of time, which will deepen our perspective on transits and progressions with alternate viewpoints and techniques.
This module includes 8 CDs, one workbook, one reading booklet and two booklets: Dynamic Solar Returns and Planetary Pairs: Symmetry of the Spheres.
One USB stick containing 9 units plus workbooks and booklets