The Family Legacy
Astrological Imprints on Life, Love & Relationships

Brian Clark

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The Family Legacy

An astrological perspective not only introduces new ways of thinking about ancestors, parents and siblings, it also reveals familial patterns, complexes and legacies that can assist in the healing process and enhance relationships. Images of the family soul are encoded into the symbols of the horoscope; therefore each individual’s natal horoscope is systemic- its multidimensional symbols revealing the family system through time. The horoscope not only imagines the individual’s responses to family members but also how others in the family may engage and participate in the system.

The Family Legacy invites you to deepen your understanding of your place in the family portrait by participating with the evocative symbols embedded in your horoscope.

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Each book is Australian $32.95 plus $10 shipping (Australia only).
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Praise for The Family Legacy

A soulful and instructive book. Brian Clark is a master at blending mythology and psychology with astrological delineation, and this work is thoughtful and evocative, elegant and highly readable. Truly in a class of its own, this is a definitive study written by a much-esteemed teacher with decades of experience.
Melanie Reinhart, author of Chiron and the Healing Journey
Like the psychopomp of the ancient mysteries, Brian will guide you on an astrological journey down to the depths of the soul to discover familial treasures that allow you to make sense of your life, loves and relationships.
Demetra George, author of Asteroid Goddesses and Astrology and the Authentic Self
What I love about Brian’s work is that he restores the Mystery to our ancient art, activating the imaginative function and widening the scope of our interpretive gaze. More than merely explaining and categorizing complex family dynamics, this work is an invitation to gaze deeply into the matrix of our first relationships and discover how Psyche weaves and interweaves through them all.
Jason Holley, Astrologer and Psychotherapist
A fascinating, deeply researched and well informed book about the family legacy and its continued influence in our lives. Brian Clark has immense experience in this field, and we are fortunate to have access to his knowledge. Beautifully written, this book is an essential addition to our astrological understanding.
Clare Martin, author of Mapping the Psyche, Volumes 1, 2 & 3
I have known Brian Clark for nearly 30 years. Between 1995 and 2012 Brian taught regularly for our astrological program in Switzerland. His vast, encompassing knowledge as well as his experience on family issues and their impact on our lives has inspired my own work. This book allows the reader to participate in his work and inspires individual reflection and research.
Verena Bachmann, Psychotherapist and Astrologer